Preventive Periodontics is one of the cornerstones in dentistry program. The goal of this course is to review and expand your knowledge on the biology of the healthy periodontium.  This course would also introduce you to the current classification of periodontal diseases and would provide you with the fundamental knowledge of epidemiology, etiology, microbiology and immunology of periodontal diseases. Basic information will be integrated with necessary clinical skills to evaluate and diagnose all currently recognized forms of periodontal diseases. This includes the ability to recognize the forms of gingivitis.

This course consists of didactic, pre-clinical, and clinical components describing the periodontium in health, and etiology, pathogenesis, and the diagnosis of periodontal disease. The course introduces the students to the principles and techniques of disease prevention as well as examination, diagnosis, treatment planning, and treatment of patient with early periodontal disease. It presents the principles of instrumentation, knowledge, and practice of periodontal instruments.
