Medicine Program

Medicine Program

The Mission To graduate competent physicians with an aptitude to be life-long learners and acquire specialized expertise to promote health care services in Saudi Arabia, by providing them with essential competencies, research abilities within a motivating learning environment INTENDED LEARNING…

 Dentistry Program

Dentistry Program

DENTISTRY PROGRAM MISSION To graduate professional dentists with an aptitude to be innovative and life-long learners, through provision of knowledge, skills, ethical principles and research abilities in a motivating learning environment Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs) of Program 1. Knowledge On…

 Pharm D Program

Pharm D Program

CLINICAL PHARMACY PROGRAM MISSION To graduate competent clinical pharmacists capable of providing comprehensive pharmaceutical care to the community with an aptitude to Lifelong learning through provision of knowledge, clinical skills, research abilities and ethics of practice within a motivating learning…

 Nursing Program

Nursing Program

To graduate a competent nurse capable of providing comprehensive healthcare services in Saudi Arabia through the provision of outstanding education, research abilities and nursing practice ethics within a stimulating learning environment ILO’s of Program 1. KnowledgeOn completion of program the…

Rules & Regulations

By Laws الضوابط المنظمة لسلوك الطلاب والطالبات بكلية ابن سينا الأهلية للعلوم الطبية Code of Ethics For Healthcare Practitioners Visits:1